What is Industrial IOT ?

We are humans and the industries are bound to spend their time and resources for fulfilling the human needs in order to earn huge profits. Basically, humans are bound to fulfil their basic needs i.e Food, Clothing and Shelter. For fulfilling those needs, they search for an Entity who can act as a mediator for fulfilling our basic needs. And that is the “Industry”.

An Industry is basically an Intermediate Unit between our needs and us. Let's think about a scenario if you need to travel to hundreds of kilometres just for arranging the Food Items for your family and its very complicated for us. Here comes the role of this Industry, it performs such tasks like travelling to large distances, arranging raw material and providing finished products to the community and many more. Due to this huge requirement and regular expansion towards the industry, we need our industries to be more organized and continuously connected to us. Even industries require more technologies which make them more organised and helps them in order to monitor their progress and regular earnings with profits.

Earlier, the industries were not that much expanded and even then it was very difficult to tackle those problems occurred during productions in the company. It was due to the unavailability of today’s new technologies. Today, every industrial employee requires a proper system for tracking and monitoring its work’s progress for the day or for the long times in order to understand the working status of the company. And here comes the role of Industrial IoT.

Industrial IoT is basically a way of connecting the different kinds of Industrial Units and make them easily monitored and accessible by the authorised personnel of the company or industry. Let us suppose that, you an employee of a huge Car Manufacturing company and your task is to monitor the progress of each kind of car model and you need to reach the system of each individual unit like Moulding Unit, Engine Unit, Tyre Unit, Assembling Unit etc; manually and then you can decide the progress of such car model manufacturing process after collecting all those data manually. This is a very time consuming and complicated procedure.

And here comes the role of Industrial IOT, in the above example you can use Industrial IOT for connecting all the manufacturing units to a single centralized system in order to track the progress of each car model manufacturing. And the industry has already started using the Industrial IOT. The larger companies like Hyundai, Maruti Suzuki, Volkswagon and many more have already opted out this Industrial IOT. But, these bigger companies want a new generation of Industrial IOT in order to make Human to Machine interaction more enhanced. And we are regularly working on it.


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