Now windows have entered the Internet of Things
View's windows tint automatically according to the weather conditions and can be
controlled by a smartphone app.
Window glare is something that have been solved for decades with simple blinds, but now a glass company
is making windows smarter and more energy efficient, bringing in auto-tinting that can be controlled by
a mobile phone. View's Dynamic Glass offers connected windows that can be programmed to darken or
brighten depending on outdoor conditions, and prevent glare in doing so.
The system tracks the location of the sun using a sensor, and gathers information on light conditions from
the internet. View offers a smartphone app that connects to the window's IP address, connecting them to
the network of IoTs and enabling them to be controlled independently.
The tint is controlled by a very low electrical current that allows it to change the pattern of electrons to
make the windows appear clear or opaque. View says their technology, by helping to prevent the loss
of heat or reduce air conditioning usage, can actually cut energy consumption by up to 20 percent. The
company has installed its windows at buildings across the US, including the Levi's Stadium of the San
Francisco 49ers football team.
Could View's Dynamic Glass be combined with these stained glass windows that doubles as solar panels,
to create the ultimate eco-friendly, new generation window?
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