Certification Course in Embedded and IoT Systems by E&ICT Academy – IIT Kanpur

IoT. Imagine a world where your home, car, mobile devices, city are all connected. That's the type of world IoT could create, and its just getting started. Technology in today's world is no work of fiction. With IoT, one can connect many devices at home and send information across. These are embedded with software, sensors, and network connectivity to collect and share data. It makes your surrounding smart. Amazed right? We are glad to announce the IITK Certification Course On Embedded and IoT System . As the time of COVID-19 Pandemic, everyone wants to use this time effectively. So it's the time for you to choose better platform where you can learn and enhance your skill. You all must have heard about Embedded System. An embedded system is a computer system with a particular defined function within a larger mechanical or electrical system. They control many devices in common use. The uses of embedded systems are virtually limitless because every day new products a...